College of medicine week Sept. 23-27
The inaugural College of Medicine Week celebrates the incredible people and achievements of our college. Events for faculty, staff, students, and trainees will be occurring all week. We encourage you to join in the festivities!
Please note: The 1329 staff appreciation event originally scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 26, Orange and Brew originally scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27, and Housestaff Gym Preview originally scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27 have been postponed due to the impending storm. Stay tuned for details about new dates and times for those events.
Tune in virtually or rsvp for limited seats (breakfast provided!)
State of the College 2024
Hear from Interim Dean Jennifer Hunt, M.D., M.Ed., as we gather to highlight the College of Medicine's achievements over the past year and chart the path forward. A virtual viewing option will be made available. In-person attendance is open to all and available via RSVP on a first-come, first-served basis. The event will take place Sept. 24, 7:00 – 8:00 AM in HMEB 135, with breakfast provided at the in-person event.

Questions after the State of the College address? Bring them to the next College of Medicine Town Hall on Oct. 10, 12:15-12:45 p.m. on Zoom.
State of the College RSVP
In-person attendance is open to all and available via RSVP on a first-come, first-served basis.
Full list of events
Sept. 20, 1:00 – 3:00 P.M., ARB Courtyard
Postdoc Ice Cream Social
Enjoy a break from the Florida heat with an Ice Cream Social celebrating our outstanding postdocs featuring Bz Gelati. This event occurs in coordination with Postdoc Appreciation Week.

View Dates and Times by work location
Staff Appreciation Celebrations
Join us as we celebrate our exceptional staff who make the College of Medicine a special place. Occurring across different dates, times, and locations, meals will be provided. For a full list of staff appreciation events by location, click below.

SEPT. 24, 7:00 – 8: 00 A.M., HMEB 135
State of the College
Hear from Interim Dean Jennifer Hunt, M.D., M.Ed., as we gather to highlight the College of Medicine’s achievements over the past year and chart the path forward. A virtual viewing option will be made available. In-person attendance is open to all and available via RSVP on a first-come, first-served basis. The event will take place Sept. 24, 7:00 – 8:00 AM in HMEB 135, with breakfast provided at the in-person event.

Sept. 25, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m., HMEB 135
Celebration of Faculty Promotion and Tenure
A celebration honoring College of Medicine faculty for achieving promotion to the rank of associate, full, or distinguished professor, and for being awarded emeritus status. A livestream will be available.

rescheduled for Nov. 1, 7:30 – 8:30 A.M., HMEB Circle
Orange and Brew
The College of Medicine looks forward to celebrating students, postdocs, residents, and fellows with complimentary 16-ounce cold brews or iced teas.

postponed – stay tuned for details
Housestaff Gym Preview
College of Medicine residents and fellows will be invited to see the new Housestaff Gym space (DG-22A), which will be opening soon. Please stay tuned for more details about the rescheduled event.