support the uf College of Medicine
Make a Gift
More than ever, philanthropy is critical to our future. We ask for your partnership and your generosity in our campaign to build the future of medical education at the University of Florida.
More than ever, philanthropy is critical to our future. We ask for your partnership and your generosity in our campaign to build the future of medical education at the University of Florida. Your gift can help our students excel, our researchers break new ground in the treatment of disease, and our faculty and alumni to continue providing extraordinary care and service. A charitable gift in support of the College’s missions yields an unparalleled return on investment for our many benefactors.
Gifts from individuals, foundations, corporations and associations play a key role in advancing the effectiveness and growth of medicine for patients and families seeking care. To make a gift directly to any other department, program or fund using a credit card, please choose a specific fund from the College of Medicine complete list of giving funds.
Scholarships for medical students lend critical support to students and are an investment in the education of tomorrow’s health care leaders.
Faculty Support
Crucial for recruiting and retaining the best faculty, an endowed professorship can drive research discoveries, create opportunity for collaboration and support talented scholars.
Resident and Fellow Support
Support the educational and research efforts of residents and fellows and fund resident travel to meetings to present their work.
Giving to the University of Florida College of Medicine is a meaningful way to contribute to the advancement of medicine, which will benefit generations to come. Your gifts will support the work of dedicated physicians who will in turn care for thousands of patients and families. A few of the ways you can give back to the college include:
Cash & Securities
Cash or securities are among the most popular types of gifts for the University of Florida. Most gifts to the campaign will be cash contributions, for which donors may receive tax benefits if they itemize deductions. Pledges to the campaign may be paid over a period of up to five years. Many donors may realize substantial tax advantages by transferring gifts of appreciated stock.
Endowed Gifts
You can create a permanent fund for a specific purpose at UF. Your fund will be invested and managed by the University of Florida Foundation to provide a steady and reliable income stream forever. Endowments may be named to honor you or another appropriate person.
Named Gifts
There are many opportunities to make a gift in honor of someone close to the UF College of Medicine, or to associate your name with a major component of the new facility or other endowment opportunity. All naming opportunities must be approved by the University of Florida Board of Trustees.
Matching Gifts
Thousands of companies match donations that employees make to institutions like the UF College of Medicine. Donors are urged to request that their companies match their gifts.
Real Estate
The University of Florida Foundation welcomes and encourages gifts of real estate. Gifts of real estate can significantly enhance university productivity and performance and provide substantial tax benefits for donors. Although the university has made great use of unique properties, most real estate gifts are sold and the proceeds are invested in areas of campus designated by the donor.
Other Property
Gifts of tangible property may result in an immediate tax deduction for the donor, with the amounts of the deduction determined by whether or not the gift is related to the mission of the University.
Planned Gifts
There are various “planned giving” methods to support the University of Florida. Each offers opportunities for commitments that will have a major impact upon university excellence. Planned gifts also offer numerous benefits for donors.
The UF Office of Gift Planning staff has considerable experience in helping people create and document estate plans that are strategically developed and thoughtfully executed. We would consider it an honor to assist you and offer the information in this guide as a starting point.
To discuss longer-term strategies such as pledges, planned gifts, and transfers of appreciated assets toward establishing endowments, named professorships and capital improvements, please contact the UF Health Office of Development – 352.273.7986.